EviTrades Ai-Stock Picking Alerts

Imagine using an Ai platform that cost millions to create, and now for a small monthly fee, you can access our Ai system called Isabella. Our Ai system focuses on analyzing the largest 8 companies in the US markets, with Stock Analyst sentiment, Retail Trader Sentiment, Insider and Fund Trading, Global News Article Sentiment, Chart Analysis and a review and scoring of all known trading strategies.

How EViTrades Isabella Ai Works

Making you an Expert Trader is our Goal, and we do that by keeping things extremely simple. When our Ai gives us a Buy, Sell or Hold signal,

you immediately get the same signal that our Hedge Fund Analysts get at the exact same time. No Lag, no Delays.

Trade the Best 8 Mega Cap Stocks Get the Best Analysis Available Trade Like an Expert

A System Anyone Can Copy Instantly Become an Expert Trader

Finally Your Very Own Hedge Fund

Become an Instant Expert Focus on ONLY 8 Mega Stocks

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Listen to What our Members Have to Say

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

“I’ve traded for r over 17 years, I have also managed a small trading team of  71 analysts. It’s amazing how much data your Ai is able to peruse through and give great signals; and I do mean great signals. My advise to members is that when buying on your signals, they have patience and sell when your sell signals trigger. Losers don’t follow systems, winners do. Keep up the amazing work. Can I invest in the company?”

Brian W - Alabama

“Amazing. My trading has improved dramatically. If only you could do the trades for me.”

Juan F - New York

“Love it. Finally”

Alice J - Panama

“Wish it ranked all Stocks”

Robert L - Oregon

“Ai Rules the Day!”

Anna R - California

“Great, but no time to trade”

Leticiaj - Florida


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EViTrades Offers
Fixed 8% Annual Return Notes

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Great – Pay Annually 10% Off
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